An old brick building stands at 1507 Orthodox Street, across from the Frankford Friends School. No, it’s not the one pictured. That’s the old branch of the Free Library since replaced with a steel and glass version. The building on Orthodox street, a couple of blocks away from “the EL” elevated train running over Frankford Ave, is the Historical Society of Frankford. This place is great! They have quarterly lectures and a whole front room full of historical treasures. My favorite is the stuff about the Yellow Jackets and their dedicated fanbase. That’s the type of old-school football Bill St. Brown talks about: Where the team would play a home game on Saturday, get on the overnight party train to New York and play the away game on Sunday. There’s not much to add here, but they love Frankford history, and so do we! Keep up the fine, historic Philadelphia work, people.
Historical Society of Frankford